Trade Customer Registration


  • Better Price
    Buy direct from the manufacturer to save.
  • Faster and easier to quote and order
    Once your Trade Customer application has been approved we will remember your information saving time re-entering your information. Quote any time from anywhere you have internet connection.
  • Store quotes for future use
    When you get a quote, we will save it for to convert into an order in the future if your job goes ahead saving you from re-entering the information.
  • View and print all history information
    A Trade customer can view and print of all previous invoices or review previous purchase and quote history.
  • Better Customer Service
    As a Skyspan Trade Customer you will have access to faster response times and priority dispatch times.

What it is

A Trade Customer is a tradie who has filled out his contact information so that he can log onto the Skyspan Ecommerce website to access trade prices which are lower priced than the RRP. As a Trade Customer, we will store your information such as delivery addresses saving you time when re-ordering products. A Trade customer can log onto their customer profile to view and print off all previous quotes, invoices and purchase history. A Trade Customer account is not a credit account.

Who is Eligible

Any tradesman in the building industry such a Roofers, Roof Plumbers, Builders, Carpenters, handymen that will be a repeat customer. Owner-builder licence holders are not eligible.


Skyspan reserves the right to cancel any Trade Customer registration at any time. A trade customer may be asked to verify their trade licence and if it cannot be produced Skyspan may cancel their Trade Customer registration. A registration must be verified before an order will be processed. If all business and contact details are not correct, Skyspan may cancel a registration. Any Trade Customer agrees to be contacted by Skyspan for marketing purposes including email. Skyspan Trade customers agree to be bound to Skyspan standard terms & Conditions of trade.